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Alternate Nostril Breathing: Practice & Benefits

Health & Well-Being

July 12, 2023



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Health & Well-Being





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Alternate nostril breathing, or nadi shodhana pranayama (in Sanskrit), is a simple practice of using your breath to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. When both nostrils are activated, the body realizes a host of benefits.

Most anyone can do this practice and it has the potential to provide very fast and effective results. ANB may be done any time throughout the day.

I find it to be an extremely effective start and ending practice in my day. You may also use the practice at any point in your day to move into a state of balance if you’re feeling overly analytical (left brain) or a little too much head-in-the-clouds (right brain) — if that state is no longer serving you. While some believe that this breathing technique increases alertness and may not be suitable for nighttime, I find it beneficial at night. This may be different for you so you will need to determine how it best fits into your life.

But first, before we review the practice, a few words about our breath and how it connects us to everyone around us.



Prana, or Life Force, flows into the body on the breath.

Pranayama (the science of breathing) guides the prana through the body improving vitality and our physical and psychological state of well-being.

Our breath is our link to the Universe and everyone around us. The rate and rhythm of the breath are directly connected to our mental and emotional states. By calming the breath, we calm the mind and support our ability to self-regulate our emotions. We put the mind into a state of ease and the body follows. 


Key Principles

  • Our rate of breathing and state-of-mind are inseparable. Discipline your breathing, discipline your mind.
  • The slower the rate of breathing, the more control we have over our mind.
  • The mind follows the breath and the body follows the mind. Relaxed mind = relaxed body.
  • When we activate both nostrils and experience a balanced breath, we are now experiencing a more balanced mind and optimizing our potential. We are walking the middle path.



The benefits you may realize when you practice alternate nostril breathing, as a result of activating the parasympathetic nervous system, may include the following:

  • Centered, relaxed state-of-being
  • Increased sense of peace
  • Less anxiety
  • Balanced, clear thoughts
  • Enhanced intuition and knowing
  • Feeling of oneness
  • Lowered tension in the body as it is in a state of “rest and repair”



Our Nostrils

The left hemisphere of the brain is connected to the right side of the body and the right nostril. The right hemisphere is connected to the left side of the body and the left nostril. We breathe predominantly through one nostril at any given time. The dominant nostril changes every 1.5-2 hours.


Left Nostril

The left nostril is associated with:

  • Right brain
  • Ida – ends at the left nostril
  • Apana – cleansing energy
  • Moon – cooling, calming energy
  • Calmness, sensitivity, empathy, intuition, creativity

Right Nostril

The right nostril is associated with:

  • Left brain
  • Pingala – ends at the right nostril
  • Prana – vital energy
  • Sun – warming, energizing
  • Vigor, alertness, analysis, willpower, concentration, readiness-for-action



**CONTRAINDICATIONS: While this is a very gentle breathing practice, please use your discernment and listen to your body and only do what feels right for you. You are responsible for your health and well-being.

Let’s begin. Using your dominant hand:

  • Sit in a comfortable position (may also be done lying flat on your back), spine straight, and allow the tension in your body and mind to melt away.
  • Take several slow and deep belly breaths, allowing the inhales and exhales to lengthen as your body relaxes.
  • Now close your eyes or keep them open – decide which is right for you based on your current environment.
  • With your dominant hand, place index and middle finger at third eye point. Allow your remaining fingers and thumb to rest on each side of your nostrils.
  • Gently close the right nostril (with thumb or fingers) and inhale through the left nostril. Feel the air flowing in, stay present with the breath. At the top of the breath, close left nostril (with thumb or fingers), unblock right nostril, and exhale through the right nostril. Again focus on the feeling of the breath exiting your nostril. 
  • Keeping left nostril closed, now inhale through the right nostril. Feel the air flowing in, stay present with the breath. At the top of the breath, close right nostril (with thumb or fingers), unblock left nostril and exhale through the left nostril. Again focus on the feeling of the breath exiting your nostril. This is one round.
  • The breaths are slow and calm. Find your own pace. Keep your focus on the breath as it moves in and out, this focus helps anchor you into the present moment.
  • Repeat for 10 rounds or longer if desired (up to five minutes).
  • Enjoy the balanced and relaxed breath.


Once your practice is complete, you may find yourself moving through your day with an increased sense of awareness. Observe your thoughts, experiences, and your interactions to become more aware of your life’s happenings and if they look or feel any different. Keep in mind that you may need to repeat this practice every 1.5-2 hours to rebalance your breath. If you are short on time, try doing only five rounds or keep reading for an advanced practice called Mental Alternate Nostril Breathing.



As you breathe in and out, consider inhaling a positive affirmation or a 1-2 word mantra. On the exhale, let go of anything that is no longer serving you. We do not need to continue creating what we no longer desire once we become aware of our habit of creating by default. Be intentional and assume that which you are.



Advanced Method

Mental Alternate Nostril Breathing:  Instead of using your hand to open and close your nostrils, simply use the power of your mind to inhale/exhale, alternating between each nostril. This may be helpful when you feel guided to practice but would prefer to be more discreet in your breathing technique, or when you no longer feel the need to use your hand for assistance.



This is one of my favorite practices to share with others. It is a very effective tool we can use to create relaxation within the body + mind anytime throughout our day. When we consciously choose to put ourselves into a relaxed and peaceful state, we are also consciously selecting a more intentional way of moving through our day.

Relax, become aware, and move with intention.

Thank you for reading and being open to trying something new.




Disclaimer: All content and information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only, does not constitute professional or medical advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, legal, and health related decisions.

Images courtesy of Elevae Visuals (formerly Social Squares)

Published: 7/12/2023

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